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Time is TBD



Introduction to Ayurveda's Five Elements

Using the five elements Space, Air, Fire, Water and Earth we begin to explore their connection to anxiety, stress and depression and learn some techniques to navigate our daily life.

Introduction to Ayurveda's Five Elements
Introduction to Ayurveda's Five Elements

Time & Location

Time is TBD


About the event

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic wisdom tradition that has been practiced in India for more than 5000 years.  She is the sister science to yoga and together they form a complete healing and wellness approach. 

Adapted into our modern lifestyles she offers a wealth of knowledge and insight helping us understand who we are and how to care for ourselves. 

Ayurveda has helped many of us navigate diseases that at times felt insurmountable. 

Please join us on this amazing journey into self care, self understanding and our limitless potential for serving our community through health and well being. 

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